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Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm Back

So I have been very bad at keeping my blog updated. I knew the day would come eventually. This will be a very quick update while I am thinking about it all the while studying for an orthopedics test tomorrow. I also have a pharmacology quiz, OSCE practical, SOAP note due and Clinical assessment test this week. Good times. Just returned from my rectal and vagina filled weekend in St. Louis (all class related). As expected, even for a semi-experienced medical professional like myself, It was a little awkward. But now I am legit and I can perform a pelvic exam, do a pap smear, rectovaginal exam, testicular exam, and palpate your prostate all before lunch.
On the personal front, Aubrey had her 37 wk check today and is dilated to about 1cm. Therefore making some progress. I expect our seedling to arrive really near the expected due date. I know Aub will be ready to express that little package of moving arms and legs. I knew this summer would go fast and so far it is surpassing my expectations. Just going to hold on for the ride! Back to the powerpoints.