Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Snap, Crackle, Pop...Owe My Eye!

It feels like a lot has happened since I last updated. Probably because I have spent 66 hours in the ER over the last week. Here is a brief synopsis of some of the activities I was able to partake in: shocked a guy's heart back into a normal rhythm, drained several abscesses including a pilonidal(which is the nastiest abscess to drain at the top of the butt crack), removed a fish hook from a leg, relocated a dislocated shoulder on a 15 year old kid, sutured several people including a 1 year old girl who was bitten in the face by a rottweiler, a girl after an atv accident, a guy who dropped something on his toe and burst the end of it open like a grape. I also saw a man who blew half his hand of with a giant firework (it looked like a grenade went off in his hand), saw a young guy who lost his sight after a firework blew up in his face(will need a corneal transplant if he ever wants to see again), a girl who stuck a hot sparkler in her eye(?), and a lot of other people who didn't need to come to the ER at 2 O' clock in the morning. So, it has been pretty enjoyable for me to get to see a wide variety of things. I'm about to go back in for another 12 hours and then we leave for Texas tomorrow night. I am looking forward to the break but I also feel like I have a lot to learn and that I should spend every waking moment reading about emergency medicine.