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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

9 Tests in 18 days

The title is the story of my life until May 10th. But can you believe it, only 18 days of class left until the end of the 1st semester. That is exciting for me. It doesn't matter if I have a test every other day until I finish, I know that it is only a matter of time now. We are working on the legs on our cadaver now and are saving the head for last. Joy. The realization that my class has several whiners in it is becoming more and more apparent the further along we get. Some people will complain about anything and everything. Oh well, I'll just continue to do my own thing and enjoy the mature friends that I have in the class.
Obstetrician manana for Aubrey. It will be the 29 week checkup and we are excited to be getting another ultrasound. Hopefully we can get some good pictures of little infant baby Lydia. We are secretly hoping she doesn't take after Maggie.
We look forward to heading back to Texas in May for some good catch up time with friends and family. Maybe we can enjoy some good Texas home cookin as well. Well I should get back to studying and will try to keep all my readers updated more frequently.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy I could cry! you're alive! Thank you, God!
    But seriously, it's good to read from you again. I will be calling Aubrey later to hear about the appointment! I, too, hope she does not take after Maggie. So does Stephan. (we'll prey)
