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Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome to Parenthood

The next paragraph is aimed at the Johnsons'. It is simply a collection of thoughts that popped into my head a few days ago while I was getting ready for clinic and thinking about their current situation. This reflection is based upon my thoughts about becoming a parent.
The days become short, the nights long. You anticipate the next sound or cry she is going to make. Sleep eludes you. You know you love this child, but in a strange kind of way. Like a gift from God intended to push your body and mind to the limits. At times you know not what to do. Blindly you try everything you have heard or read in attempts to soothe that feeble cry. Time. Time is what it takes to learn the lessons of parenthood. Your love for this child will grow exponentially in time to an almost euphoric and tangible feeling. It is easy to set goals for the future. As if your current situation is not perfect enough. The thought of six months down the road she will be able to sit up and eat solids and most importantly sleep through the night. However, it is the long nights, the soothing her when you can't soothe yourself, the moments right now that are building that undescribeable almost supernatural bond you will feel more and more every day. God bless you and your child always.


  1. K-Skin:
    Thanks so much for the encouraging words!! You hit the nail on the head: the days are! I come home from work, ash and i try to throw down some grub between play time and nurse time, then it's bath time, then nurse time, favorite part of the day...time for me to rock lauren to sleep, it's about 9 at this point. Ash and i have conversations between bites and as we pass each other through the house. God has been so good to us these first few weeks. Lauren is sleeping well at night. She is gaining weight and pooping like she should:) I look forward to getting back to church. I look forward to going through the coming parenting years with brothers like you.
    Hope all is going well for you at school. I gave you a plug on Monday. I know a neurosurgical group looking for one, maybe two PA's. I know you've been leaning toward ER but just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and that there are j-o-b's out there.
    Peace bro.

  2. Kev- Thanks for the words of encouragement! Being a mommy is the coolest.....ya'll hurry to Texas so you and Aub can get some snuggle time with this bundle!
