As previously disclosed, I am currently doing a mini-rotation (1 week) in ophthalmology. Just to clarify, an Ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who goes to medical school and is able to perform surgery on the eye as well as diagnose all kinds of disease. Whereas an optometrist goes to optometry school and mainly only deals with correcting vision with glasses/contacts. I watched about 6 cataract surgeries this morning lasting about 15-20 minutes each. A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye which is a normal aging process. We will all get cataracts if we live long enough. The treatment, make a small incision in the cornea(which is the front window to the eye) and gain access through the pupil (or iris) to scrape out the cloudy portion of the lens. Then, simply slide in a new synthetic lens(looks similar to a contact lens). It was pretty neat, but also a little routine and boring after watching a few. I am really starting to enjoy my experience better though. Dr. Peterson knows that my interest is in emergency medicine so he gears his teaching towards the pertinent subject matter. Most of all, I have enjoyed the interaction with the patients. I don't think I realized how much I missed dealing with patients since I have been in the classroom. Almost all of our patients this week have just been a real delight and the average age is probably 70-75.
Dos mas dias and we are on our way to Texas! I am excited about the trip. Maybe get a chance to do some non-school stuff for a change and just be a man again. For me, that means working outside, maybe hunting and you stuff. Also, only 3 days until Aub and I have our 6th wedding anniversary. Wow. I am glad we waited until this year to have a baby. I don't think we had each other, or married life semi figured out until about 3-4 years into it. But of course, it is still a growing and learning process. Can't wait to spend some needed 1 on 1 time with the better half this weekend though. Until next time.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
"And Boom Goes The Dynamite"
Whew, It is finished..the first year of PA school that is. As a little bonus for all my followers out there, I counted how many power points I have saved on my computer since I started this program. I have sat through at least 490 powerpoint presentations! To wrap your head around that, I estimated we had 50 slides per powerpoint and that comes to 24,500 slides I have read this year! That doesn't even include the hundreds/thousands of pages I have read in books and from online resources. In case you didn't notice, I am oh so impressed with myself and obviously narcissistic. Mainly because I ain't the head in the books kind of guy. Well, maybe I am now. The question is, how much of those 24,500 slides did I retain? I think the real learning starts now. After all those thousands of patients I will see next year, I should feel a little more legit as a clinician. I shall check out for now so that I can hold the Lydia for it is difficult to hold the baby girl and type. Peace.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
"Baby it's cold outside"
Tis the season..for cold weather. It has been in the teens every morning I go to school which forces me to wake up a little before class. 1 test down and 3 to go for this final semester. I have restrained excitement for the end of this semester, not what I expected at all when I thought about this moment back in January. I think it is due to the intense, beat down session I just endured over the past 3 semesters. Looking back, the 1st semester was the easiest, followed by the Summer being the "most enjoyable" and this last semester was just more or less painful.
Lydia is watching "mommy" make Christmas presents. Her mommy not being a very crafty one, but I think she is capable of doing anything she sets her mind to. Like getting up 15-20 times a night and still functioning during the day to take care of baby and all the other chores. Well I got busy and forgot I was writing a post. Therefore I will end it here and pick up on a new post soon. See you all when I am a 2nd year PA student!
Lydia is watching "mommy" make Christmas presents. Her mommy not being a very crafty one, but I think she is capable of doing anything she sets her mind to. Like getting up 15-20 times a night and still functioning during the day to take care of baby and all the other chores. Well I got busy and forgot I was writing a post. Therefore I will end it here and pick up on a new post soon. See you all when I am a 2nd year PA student!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It still feels right..
After nearly 6 years of marriage, I still love to just sit and have a conversation with my wife. She is amazingly understanding. I stayed at school all day "doing my thing," but my favorite part of today were the few moments I sat on the edge of the bed, in the dark, just chatting with my wife before bed. I'm so blessed to have such a strong and supportive spouse. She is the inspiration for the title of this entry. Meaning, those seemingly unimportant, mundane moments that felt so exciting during the early dating period, still feel right after 11 years of being together.
School. That is the other, distant second thought on my mind. 7 days left in the classroom. It could not come fast enough. Either the program I am part of is really lacking some major elements, or I have just had enough and reached the "I am tired, every flaw is magnified" state. Either way, I am about 12 months away from becoming a PA-C and that is all that matters in the grand scheme of things. This next phase of learning is pretty much all on me. I am very comfortable with that since I feel the majority of my instructors are incompetent to teach in a reasonable manner. My one week rotation after finals will be in ophthalmology. Not a strong area of mine, so maybe it will help me learn some vital info for my future ER job. Then after a 2 week Christmas break/stress I get thrown in to a family practice clinic. Talk about hitting the ground running. A busy FP clinic during Flu season, ouch. More to learn I suppose.
Well I am tired and have an emergency medicine test tomorrow. I also suspect Lydia may be waking soon, so I mustn't tarry any longer. It is off to bed and I will give the last shout out to my Dad on his birthday. Happy Birthday Pops! (it's not like he reads my blog though)
School. That is the other, distant second thought on my mind. 7 days left in the classroom. It could not come fast enough. Either the program I am part of is really lacking some major elements, or I have just had enough and reached the "I am tired, every flaw is magnified" state. Either way, I am about 12 months away from becoming a PA-C and that is all that matters in the grand scheme of things. This next phase of learning is pretty much all on me. I am very comfortable with that since I feel the majority of my instructors are incompetent to teach in a reasonable manner. My one week rotation after finals will be in ophthalmology. Not a strong area of mine, so maybe it will help me learn some vital info for my future ER job. Then after a 2 week Christmas break/stress I get thrown in to a family practice clinic. Talk about hitting the ground running. A busy FP clinic during Flu season, ouch. More to learn I suppose.
Well I am tired and have an emergency medicine test tomorrow. I also suspect Lydia may be waking soon, so I mustn't tarry any longer. It is off to bed and I will give the last shout out to my Dad on his birthday. Happy Birthday Pops! (it's not like he reads my blog though)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A World Apart

Being separated from your child for the first time is a feeling like no other. It is like a part of me was taken and I am being held in shackles, unable to get it back. Although she is with her mother and only going to Texas for a week, my protective duty as a father has been taken from me. Now that I'm out of the picture, I must trust in God completely. Ahh, must have been his plan all along. Maybe I have been trusting in myself way to much lately. My heart goes out to all of the military men and women who must leave their children for months and years at a time. I cannot imagine the toll that takes on a persons life.
So here I sit. I must gather myself together and focus on the mounds of school work before me while Aubrey, her Mom and Lydia drive across the country. The dogs will get my semi-undivided attention for the first time in a long while. I plan on studying more than ever and getting back on a workout plan while I have extra time this week. But I know Friday will be here quickly and I will be on a plane to Austin. Therefore I mustn't tarry too long. I pray Aubrey and Lydia have a safe and enjoyable trip. I already can't wait to see both my girls again, but right now I feel a world apart.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fall in Missouri
This very well could be our first and last Fall to live in Missouri. That is exciting and a little sad because it is so beautiful up here during the Fall. That is definitely one thing Texas is missing, the distinct seasons that hang around for a while. Nothing like walking outside in the 60 degree weather feeling a slight breeze while the bright orange and red leaves fall around you. There is just something comforting about this time of year.
Speaking of Fall, I'm officially on "Fall Break" starting today. We kicked it off last night with a nice bonfire at a classmates house. It was an absolute perfect night for it. Lydia experienced her first night out at a bonfire in a cow pasture. She must have enjoyed it because she didn't cry about it. We are going to try to go to Eureka Springs, AR tomorrow. Mainly to get out of Springfield for the day and experience some more of the beautiful Ozark Mountains. However I must not completely forget about my school because I have enough material to catch up on that would keep me busy for this entire break. I can't complain because I only have about 7 weeks left in the classroom! The amount of knowledge I have gained in this short amount of time is crazy. It is hard for me to distinguish what I have learned from what I already knew coming into the program. We had a lecturer tell us yesterday that the reason we do a clinical year is so we can attach what we have learned to an emotion. That emotion being a real person, this is how our brains make long lasting memories. This is why you can remember things so much better from times when we were really scared, excited, emotional.
My latest excitement is nicknamed Baby Girl. She seems to be getting smarter daily. Aubrey and I have a good balance on parenting. She is more nurturing while I like to challenge Lyd to do new things. I'm sure this girl will amaze me for years to come. Well I think I will wrap this up for now since I am hitting a writers block. Enjoy this amazing weather fellow blogger(s).
Speaking of Fall, I'm officially on "Fall Break" starting today. We kicked it off last night with a nice bonfire at a classmates house. It was an absolute perfect night for it. Lydia experienced her first night out at a bonfire in a cow pasture. She must have enjoyed it because she didn't cry about it. We are going to try to go to Eureka Springs, AR tomorrow. Mainly to get out of Springfield for the day and experience some more of the beautiful Ozark Mountains. However I must not completely forget about my school because I have enough material to catch up on that would keep me busy for this entire break. I can't complain because I only have about 7 weeks left in the classroom! The amount of knowledge I have gained in this short amount of time is crazy. It is hard for me to distinguish what I have learned from what I already knew coming into the program. We had a lecturer tell us yesterday that the reason we do a clinical year is so we can attach what we have learned to an emotion. That emotion being a real person, this is how our brains make long lasting memories. This is why you can remember things so much better from times when we were really scared, excited, emotional.
My latest excitement is nicknamed Baby Girl. She seems to be getting smarter daily. Aubrey and I have a good balance on parenting. She is more nurturing while I like to challenge Lyd to do new things. I'm sure this girl will amaze me for years to come. Well I think I will wrap this up for now since I am hitting a writers block. Enjoy this amazing weather fellow blogger(s).
Friday, August 20, 2010
Back by Popular Demand..

All my readers can thank the infamous Coco for this comeback tour. I didn't think I had it in me and unfortunately I knew one day my unequivocal musings would leave my passionate fans only wanting more. So as I sit here and eat my cold breakfast at lunchtime while letting the hum-drum of the dryer do my work as a parent, I give you a glimpse into my life over the past 2 months.
I feel for all the stay at home mothers (and fathers) out there. At least with an infant, this existence as a parent is a bit desolate and a misnomer. Rewind 6 weeks from yesterday. Aubrey delivered a 7 Ib 14 oz little infant baby girl Lydia Marie. By Midnight, we knew she was not going to be a quiet baby. When she "mad" cries, I'm almost certain our neighbors next door can hear it. I'm not sure If it was the combination of being away from friends and family while preparing for one of the most difficult weeks in PA school all the while having this new screaming child, but I venture to say that that first week was the hardest of my life thus far. I was pushed to the limit, but God prevails always. As he promised, he did not give us anything we couldn't handle. On a brighter note, she is as sweet as she can be and we already could not imagine our lives without her.
As far as school goes, I completed 2 of 3 didactic semesters almost a month ago now. It really was the fastest semester of school I've ever had. I followed that up with a week seeing patients (mostly shadowing..blah) in Cardiology and then a week with the inpatient pulmonary/critical care clinicians. I enjoyed it overall and got to put some of my new knowledge to good use. I will say that it is usually awkward as the student going to see a patient. They are tired of being questioned, poked, examined and we are untimely thorough with our exams because that is how we are taught. But it is a right of passage for anyone in healthcare.
Present day, I am wrapping up a 2 week "break" before I start back on Monday with another intense semester. Aubrey is currently finishing her last shift at the bank. I think my coaxing worked because she has agreed to get a friend to babysit this evening so we can have sort of a date night! Well I best finish doing the dishes before the dryer stops. Adios y vaya con Dios.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm Back
So I have been very bad at keeping my blog updated. I knew the day would come eventually. This will be a very quick update while I am thinking about it all the while studying for an orthopedics test tomorrow. I also have a pharmacology quiz, OSCE practical, SOAP note due and Clinical assessment test this week. Good times. Just returned from my rectal and vagina filled weekend in St. Louis (all class related). As expected, even for a semi-experienced medical professional like myself, It was a little awkward. But now I am legit and I can perform a pelvic exam, do a pap smear, rectovaginal exam, testicular exam, and palpate your prostate all before lunch.
On the personal front, Aubrey had her 37 wk check today and is dilated to about 1cm. Therefore making some progress. I expect our seedling to arrive really near the expected due date. I know Aub will be ready to express that little package of moving arms and legs. I knew this summer would go fast and so far it is surpassing my expectations. Just going to hold on for the ride! Back to the powerpoints.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thunderstorms and Texas
Woke up this morning to the sound of rumbling and darkness outside my bedroom window. I don't mind sleeping during storms but when I checked the radar, there is a line of storms from Springfield to Texas. Oddly enough it is the same path to which we will set sail on(hopefully not literally) in a few short hours on our trek back home for the week.
So many things to do before I get going. The dogs smell and therefore will need a bath before I ride in the car with them for 8 hours. On a brighter note I found out that I will now have an enormous reading assignment hanging over my head until classes start back up. And when I say enormous I mean expansive to the tune of about 600 pages in 2 different books(1 of which I haven't even purchased yet). So then the question begs, will I ever get an actual break before December of 2011?
Well you can't stop my excitement for Texas at this point. Thunderstorms, 600 pages or reading, nah. We have family, friends and a pseudo-nephew to see!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So much has happened...
..Since my last post. Today is May 11th and that means that I finished my 1st semester of PA school yesterday! Wow, what a blur. It was a little bittersweet on the ending considering I felt like I was cheated out of a proper head and neck anatomy section. My prof, in order to curve some of the less capable students' grades, allowed us to make up our own questions for our final anatomy test. Well thats all fine and good when you just want a good grade, but this is grad school and my future ability depends on how much I actually learn. Yeah it goes against every feeling one has during undergrad, but it is so much different when you are if a professional program. Oh well, enough of that, I will learn it eventually on my own. I should be elated that I am actually finished with the "hardest" semester of the year. Although I studied more than ever before, the content just wasn't that difficult overall. The lack of time is definitely the biggest challenge.
Aubrey and I are also excited to meet the newest DuToit this weekend when we go back to Texas. A bit of a shocker that he is already here, but we are glad we get to meet him before we spend the summer back in Missouri. And maybe I can perfect some of my skills before my own child comes into this world. Who is moving and thrusting almost all the time. Last night I looked over at Aub's belly and I could see it moving underneath a blanket. Pretty amazing and exciting to know we are getting closer to holding our little nina in our arms. Well it is a beautiful day for the moment and I want to enjoy it because it thunderstormed yesterday and is supposed to for the rest of the week. Hasta luego.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Oh rainy day Saturday
Something about a gloomy, rainy Saturday where the majority of my time is spent sitting and studying is just miserable to me. Oddly enough I would much rather study when it is beautiful outside. At least the beautiful day gives me a cheery attitude. I sometimes wonder what our Saturday nights have become. I am reviewing power point slides while Aubrey is sleeping next to me on the couch. Instead of getting the motivation to get up and make some dinner I decided to write in this blog. As I sit here and listen to the melodic borborygmi(look it up), Maggie is having a dream in which she is licking my pants repeatedly. Makes me wonder If I will have a wet spot when I get up.
Oh how I am looking forward to May 10th. That is the day that Semester 1 is officially over! Then it is a few days off spent catching up on things around Springfield and off to Texas on May 14th. We are excited to visit again with all our peeps and familia. In exactly 1 month from now I will begin Semester 2(the fast paced, action packed, rectal exam filled summer semester). And maybe their will be a new DuToit in Texas(shout out).
Okay, enough of this banter, I must get up to prepare something for my baby momma to feed on which in turn will nourish my baby girl Lydia. Peace out girl scouts!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
9 Tests in 18 days
The title is the story of my life until May 10th. But can you believe it, only 18 days of class left until the end of the 1st semester. That is exciting for me. It doesn't matter if I have a test every other day until I finish, I know that it is only a matter of time now. We are working on the legs on our cadaver now and are saving the head for last. Joy. The realization that my class has several whiners in it is becoming more and more apparent the further along we get. Some people will complain about anything and everything. Oh well, I'll just continue to do my own thing and enjoy the mature friends that I have in the class.
Obstetrician manana for Aubrey. It will be the 29 week checkup and we are excited to be getting another ultrasound. Hopefully we can get some good pictures of little infant baby Lydia. We are secretly hoping she doesn't take after Maggie.
We look forward to heading back to Texas in May for some good catch up time with friends and family. Maybe we can enjoy some good Texas home cookin as well. Well I should get back to studying and will try to keep all my readers updated more frequently.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Back in the Saddle..
It has been a while since my last entry. That is mostly because I was enjoying some time away from my computer over the course of spring break. Aubrey and I had a good time with family and friends. It really felt like we hadn't been gone at all. We enjoyed some nice Texas weather. Can't say it's pleasant in Springfield at the moment. It has been in the 40's and rainy since we got back on Sunday evening. Bring on the Spring/Summer weather. Sunshine does wonders for my overall mood.
I have already had a test and a quiz since returning to school on Monday. Anatomy dissection was amazing on Monday though. We finally dove in to the abdomen and it is truly awesome. In all my previous medical/shadowing experience, I never once got to see an abdominal surgery so this first hand look at the stomach, gallbladder, colon, small intestines is awe-inspiring for me.
Aubrey's belly seems like it is getting bigger every day now and It is strange to think we have a little more than 3 months left at being a twosome. Oh how my life is going to change. I can't wait though and I am excited to see what our little lady will look like.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Transitioning into March
Spring break is on the horizon. Only 5 more days until we head back to Texas for some much needed time away from my current routine. We pretended like it was warmer today and took the dogs for a walk in downtown Springfield. I felt like I needed to get outside for a little bit at least. I have to buckle down for the next 3 days and study for my 3rd anatomy test covering the thorax. Thank goodness we no longer have a house in Texas as of this past Friday. God was faithful again and sent us a buyer. That takes quite a bit of pressure off of us to pay double bills every month. I have definitely come to the conclusion that I could not have put our life on hold for 7-10 years for medical school and residency. Just thinking about 2 years is long enough. It is a small sacrifice for the ultimate outcome though. I will just keep absorbing like a sponge for the meantime. Aubrey is now 22 weeks along and the anticipation to see our little girl grows steadily every week now.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Shout Out..
Oh how the musings of Colette regale my deepest thoughts. Her mindless banter somehow captivates my attention when I look for an outlet from my studies. The simplest of things seem dramatic as they leap from the silver tongued mother-to-be. I think she missed her calling as a frothy journalist exaggerating every ounce of life as we know it. This is why Aubrey and I love our friend who can best be described as simply Melodramatic. Keep it real Colette.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Crunch time..
Three class days in a row, three test in my top 3 hardest classes. I give in. Although they are now over, I am severely feeling the ramifications of the marathon study session = stressed. You might think that I would be relieved now, but I now have to start studying for a radiology test on Friday and another test on Tuesday and then catch up on the mounds of new information I have. Praise be to God he will sustain me.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
That Chili is smellin' good..

Oh spring break where are you. Well folks, it is still cold in Springfield. Has not really gotten out of the 30's in quite some time. I am really looking forward to our trip to Austin over spring break and I hope it is 80 degrees. Just before my 2nd anatomy test I took on Friday, I was able to get Carrie Underwood concert tickets after 40 minutes of trying. They were sold out in about 1.5 hrs. None the less, we are going in June! The 2nd Anatomy test was a bit more challenging for the most part b/c of the content. We learned all about the upper extremities(arms.) Interesting and funny is that there are several muscles associated with your little finger that end in "digiti minimi." It is more amusing in class when your professor doesn't speak very good english and the only word you can understand is "minimi" blah blah blah "minimi." This next week will be very challenging with 3 tests but then I'm home free until spring break which is in 3 weeks!
The chili I'm making for dinner tonight is really beginning to smell good (hence the title.) Aubrey is eating her almost daily snack of apples with peanut butter. She will be 20 weeks pregnant tomorrow! That is the half way mark. Sometimes it is like I forget we will be having a baby, then when I think about seeing our little girl for the first time it makes me smile. Well I should do some studying before filling my belly and getting sleepy because all the blood is shunting away from my brain to aid in digestion. Until next time. Love in Christ.
Friday, January 29, 2010
It's a girl, It's a birthday, It's a 97!

THe title sums up this crazy week. First off, we found out that we will be having a Girl for Independence day and we are very excited! Aub had an ultrasound on Wednesday and it was all good news! Healthy girl and developing normally. We found that out on Aub's birthday. We had a great dinner with friends and then watched the MSU basketball game. Overall, it was an amazing day.
Rewind to last weekend and my days and evenings were filled with anatomy and more anatomy to prep for my 1st test which I had on none other than Wednesday also. I'm happy to report that the studying paid off and I got a 97 on my first test! Who would have thought?
The big news of today is the fresh snow we are getting. Will probably be about 4-6" before the night is over. So hopefully we can find a place to go sledding tomorrow. Hard to do that in East Texas. THen it is back to the books for round 2 of testing. Will be an interesting weekend.
Oh and these are the flowers I got Aubrey for her Birthday...
Friday, January 22, 2010
The end of Week 2
We pulled out a couple of spinal cords today during lab. It was a bit barbaric in nature. Using the bone saw and a hammer and chisel to break through the posterior(or rear) portion of the spinal column to get to the cord. The general consensus among the class is that the spinal cord was smaller than we all expected. Just estimating, I would say the diameter is not much larger than a pencil. But amazing is the only way to describe it.
After finishing the second week of school, I continue to feel pretty good. We had our first anatomy quiz today and that only verified that I need to study harder for our first test next week. All things considered, I am just excited to be starting my 3rd week already on Monday!
Another high point this week is the activity on our house back in Texas. We are currently in negotiations over an offer and we are praying to have a contract by next week. Aubrey and I are anxiously waiting to find out if we will be having a boy or girl on Wednesday Lord willing. Next week will be exciting and eventful to say the least!
Friday, January 15, 2010
I can't help but Smile..
I have officially finished my first week of PA school and I feel...great actually. The fact that I am learning the intricate details of the human body just makes me excited about the future. For the first time in years I feel like I am in the right place and preparing for something that I love to do. So everyone has a natural curvature to their spine that begins in utero. Your spine is essentially c-shaped as you are curled up in the uterus. Then as an infant, you begin to lift your head which forms the curve to your cervical spine through this repetitive motion. Finally upon standing and walking, our lumbar curve is formed when our weight is shifted to the rear during walking. I thought that was kind of interesting. This upcoming 3 day weekend is going to give me plenty of time to catch up and review everything from this week. I'm actually looking forward to studying just a little bit(Never thought I would say that). All I can say is that I prayed that God would make this transition easy for me and give me the ability to do something that I was uncomfortable with(long hours of studying) and He has shown to be faithful to me. Again.
Along those same lines, Aubrey was offered a job today and we are super excited about that. Will give her a chance to get to know some people and provide for our living as well as occupy her time. She starts next week. Well it is time to get back to the anatomy before I get lazy.
Monday, January 11, 2010
First Day of Class
Well I'm officially "in deep." Literally after the first day of gross anatomy lab. We started on the muscles of the back today dissecting deeper and deeper. It was interesting but is very much a self teaching course. I also had 3 other classes today! We learned the basics of medical interviewing and I'm sure a lot more. Now I just have to keep up with all of this information.
On a personal note, trying to do something with our house in Tyler has turned out to be quite a chore. We have it listed to sell to no avail and have tried renting it out and that has not gone very smoothly. So I just pray that God will send someone soon to take it off our hands. Just one less headache for us to deal with.
Well I suppose I will not put off the inevitable any longer and hit the books!
Friday, January 8, 2010
1 week down
Today, we have lived in Missouri for 1 week and it is certainly winter around here. Temperatures today have stayed in single digits with wind chills near -20!! A little shocking for a Texas boy. I officially started PA school yesterday with orientation and classes begin Monday. So far it has been a lot of "this will be very intense" and "this class is labor intensive." My feeling is that those statements will sum up this first semester for sure. On a brighter note, I have already begun to form some bonds with classmates and I think this experience will be fun. We continue to pray that Aubrey finds a job so that we have some form of financial support for right now. I will try to keep this blog updated between my 8-5 class schedule and extracurricular activities (studying).
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