All my readers can thank the infamous Coco for this comeback tour. I didn't think I had it in me and unfortunately I knew one day my unequivocal musings would leave my passionate fans only wanting more. So as I sit here and eat my cold breakfast at lunchtime while letting the hum-drum of the dryer do my work as a parent, I give you a glimpse into my life over the past 2 months.
I feel for all the stay at home mothers (and fathers) out there. At least with an infant, this existence as a parent is a bit desolate and a misnomer. Rewind 6 weeks from yesterday. Aubrey delivered a 7 Ib 14 oz little infant baby girl Lydia Marie. By Midnight, we knew she was not going to be a quiet baby. When she "mad" cries, I'm almost certain our neighbors next door can hear it. I'm not sure If it was the combination of being away from friends and family while preparing for one of the most difficult weeks in PA school all the while having this new screaming child, but I venture to say that that first week was the hardest of my life thus far. I was pushed to the limit, but God prevails always. As he promised, he did not give us anything we couldn't handle. On a brighter note, she is as sweet as she can be and we already could not imagine our lives without her.
As far as school goes, I completed 2 of 3 didactic semesters almost a month ago now. It really was the fastest semester of school I've ever had. I followed that up with a week seeing patients (mostly shadowing..blah) in Cardiology and then a week with the inpatient pulmonary/critical care clinicians. I enjoyed it overall and got to put some of my new knowledge to good use. I will say that it is usually awkward as the student going to see a patient. They are tired of being questioned, poked, examined and we are untimely thorough with our exams because that is how we are taught. But it is a right of passage for anyone in healthcare.
Present day, I am wrapping up a 2 week "break" before I start back on Monday with another intense semester. Aubrey is currently finishing her last shift at the bank. I think my coaxing worked because she has agreed to get a friend to babysit this evening so we can have sort of a date night! Well I best finish doing the dishes before the dryer stops. Adios y vaya con Dios.
we are friends again. :)