My OB/Gyn section is now complete after taking my test this morning. Therefore my blog should become less vulgar and abhorring. My last day in ob/gyn was last Thursday and I was able to finish up by delivering one more baby just after lunch. Everything went pretty smoothly except her epidural was not working all that great. However it didn't hurt me a bit. My final take home lesson from obstetrics is that babies are very slippery just after removing them from a vagina. Thankfully I never dropped one, but it seems like it would be easy to. That brings me to my next invention idea. A pair of rubber gloves that have better gripping ability on the palmar surface just for catching babies.
Next up is pediatrics. I will be spending 6 weeks in a pediatric clinic seeing all those little runny noses and coughs. I would be lying if I said I was ecstatic about it. I am looking forward to learning more and getting more comfortable seeing kids, but it is definitely a different ballgame. Most of the time the kids can't tell you what is wrong, you have to deal with the parents and the well child checkups are a bit mundane for an adrenaline junky like myself. It is all just part of becoming a PA and I welcome the learning opportunities.
good to read from you again, Skinner! have fun with babies and snotty kids!